Adrenal Gland Calculator

Calculator for CT and MRI related indicators that may help in differentiating benign from malignant adrenal masses


WARNING: This calculator is not yet tested with real patient data! Use at your own risk! In fact it is my first JavaScript project.

CT unenhanced attenuation value [HU] <10 => lipid-rich adenomas
CT enhanced attenuation value [HU]
CT delayed attenuation value [HU]
MRI signal intensity of the adrenal mass in-phase
MRI signal intensity of the spleen in-phase
MRI signal intensity of the adrenal mass out-of-phase
MRI signal intensity of the spleen out-of-phase
Relative enhancement washout (REW) [%] (>40 % => benign)
Absolute enhancement washout (AEW) [%] (>60% => benign)
Adreno-splenic ratio (ASR) [%] (<70% => benign)
Signal intensity index (SII) [%] signal loss (>5% => benign)
German Textbaustein


Bernd Brägelmann, Düren 2010


All calculations must be confirmed before use. The author makes no claims of the accuracy of the information contained herein.


The optimal imaging of adrenal tumours: a comparison of different methods. Ioannis Ilias, Anju Sahdev, Rodney H Reznek, Ashley B Grossman and Karel Pacak. Endocrine-Related Cancer 14 (3) 587 -599.